Enabling ASM tags allows you to add an Unsubscribe Group to emails sent via API or SMTP by adding the ASM tag into your e-mail templates, and injecting the correct values into your mail request.
Add the following tag In your e-mail template where you need your Unsubscribe link to be added:
<a href="<%asm_preferences_raw_url%>">Group Unsubscribe</a>
You will need to have the Group ID for the unsubscribe group you wish to add. This can be retrieved by navigating to suppressions > Unsubscribe groups.
In your request body, you will need to add the following field:
"asm": {
"group_id": <<add here your group ID>>
"groups_to_display": [
<<add here your group ID>>
You can also add the Global Unsubscribe link in your e-mail template by adding the following tag:
<a href="<%asm_global_unsubscribe_raw_url%>"> Global Unsubscribe</a>
This option will unsubscribe your recipients from all of your e-mails, and their e-mail addresses will be placed into the Global Unsubscribe Suppression list.
You can also use both tags to create a Recipient Preference Subscription by adding the following code in your transactional template:
<a href="<%asm_global_unsubscribe_raw_url%>">Global Unsubscribe</a>
After that, you can pass the data in the API call and add the “asm” object containing the “group_id” and “groups_to_display” values, which are both mandatory. A simple example JSON for the API call should look like this:
"personalizations": [
"to": [
"email": "sendgridtesting@gmail.com",
"name": SendGrid Testing Team
"from": {
"email": "SendGridTests@AuthenticatedDomain.com"
"reply_to": {
"email": "SendGridTests@AuthenticatedDomain.com"
"template_id": "d-15a56bfgh7ff740fg3a8de9dsd1a68205ab",
"asm": {
"group_id": 43762,
"groups_to_display": [