Dedicated IP Blacklisted

Ending up on a deny list can be detrimental to your domain’s email deliverability. These days, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of deny lists out there. Some, like the Spamhaus SBL, can bring your email program to a screeching halt. Others are a little more than just an annoyance. Many of the world's largest inbox providers use deny lists to help them make inboxing and filtering decisions. Others rely only on their own internal metrics.


Always remember: if a listing service ever asks you to pay a fee for a delisting request, or if they say that they do not accept delisting requests, then you should not waste your time trying to get your IP delisted because these services are rarely, if ever, used.


However, if you find that your IP address has been added to a deny list by one of the many legitimate services, then submitting a delisting request is the top priority.

In the event that you discover your SendGrid IP is on a deny list, we do ask that dedicated IP users make the initial delisting request. These IP addresses are only assigned to one account at a time, so we expect those users to take responsibility for all of the mail that is sent through their account. SendGrid will still be happy to step in and assist with these delisting requests if the listing service specifically requires the IP administrator to take action.

Here are 2 aggregation websites that anyone can use to check on the status of their IP:

Delisting Request Forms

Below are links to the delisting forms used by the more popular external deny listing services:

Additionally, in order to track the actual reputation of your sending we recommend you to use the following resources: 

  • Sign up for the Google Postmaster Tools, this will provide information about your IPs reputation and any possible issues with Gmail or G-Suite inboxes. 
  • Request access for SNDS, this provides your IP reputation in the eyes of Microsoft's domains (,, 
  • Create a SenderScore account to get insight on your sending IPs.
  • Make yourself known in the world of recipient servers. Fill out this form for Gmail and this for Yahoo.
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