Connect SendGrid with ClickFunnels via SMTP

SendGrid can easily connect to a ClickFunnels account via SMTP. This allows you to use ClickFunnels for sending your transactional and marketing email. This guide explains the setup process.

ClickFunnels Documentation

ClickFunnels offers full setup instructions to connect to SendGrid SMTP. If you have not yet configured ClickFunnels with SendGrid, or if you are unsure of the process, please view the article linked below for step-by-step instructions by ClickFunnels:

ClickFunnels - Setting Up SendGrid and Domain Authentication (Whitelabel)

Quick Summary of Configuration

This Is a quick summary of the necessary configuration in ClickFunnels after you've gone through the process of generating an API Key in SendGrid, and completed all the other necessary setup outlined in the article linked above.

Title This is the name of your integration. This is for internal reference only and not visible to email recipients.
From Name The name displayed to the recipient as the email sender.
From Email The email address displayed to the recipient as the email sender.
Note: It is recommended to avoid using a free "From" email address (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.), as these don’t allow mass email sending.
SMTP Server
SMTP Port 587
SMTP User apikey
SMTP Password Enter your SendGrid API Key.
SMTP Domain
Domain Select the domain you will be utilizing for this SMTP setup. The domain should be connected to ClickFunnels.
Address Enter your business's physical address using the corresponding fields.
SMTP Footer Enter the desired SMTP Footer. This information will be included in the footer for all of your emails sent via ClickFunnels. This area supports HTML code.

Note: The table above is representative of necessary configuration in the ClickFunnels interface as of February 2021. If the above information does not match the required information in your interface in ClickFunnels, please reference documentation provided by ClickFunnels.

Need additional help?

For help with SendGrid API Keys, account settings, or other SendGrid questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the Twilio SendGrid Technical Support Team via one of the available support options in the Twilio Sendgrid Support Portal and let the agent know you've referenced this article.

Need help with configuration in ClickFunnels or from a ClickFunnels representative? Submit a request to ClickFunnels Support

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