Email Notifications for Marketing Campaigns

This article details the expected behaviors around Twilio SendGrid's Notifications for our Marketing Campaign product. To find out more information about how to create a notification, check out our Notifications documentation.


By default, notifications about your account's Marketing Campaigns activity, CSV upload summaries, sender verifications, and list or segment exports will send to the email you signed up with on your parent account. However if you want to have notifications sent to an email other than your parent account address, you can opt in to receive email notifications from SendGrid about your account's Marketing Campaigns activity. If you are getting the message "We're prepping your export now! Depending on the number of contacts, this may take a while. You'll receive an email notification to download the file when we're done", but not receiving the report for Marketing Campaigns, check if the email has been added under Marketing Campaigns > Notifications. 

How does it work?

You can add up to 10 email addresses for app notifications such as CSV upload summary, A/B test winner notification and list/segment export emails. If left blank, we will use the email address on record for your account.

Troubleshooting Steps

The reports for Marketing Campaigns get exported in this priority:

1) To any email listed under "Marketing > Notifications" and if one is not listed,

2) To the admin email linked to the login being used when the export is initiated.

Additional Resources

Please note even a teammate of a SendGrid account (set to have full "read only" access) should be able to request, receive and download the CSV export file in the account if their email is added to receive these notifications.

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