Twilio SendGrid Marketing Campaigns Overview

Marketing Campaigns

The features within Marketing Campaigns allow sending of valuable, engaging, and high-converting email content. There are a few common situations to be aware of when it comes to Sender Identity, Automations changes and Contacts failing to be included in a Single Send campaign. Below are some frequently asked questions around these features within Marketing Campaigns.

Sender Identity

How do I change the sender details (country, address, street, etc)?

Sender Identity details are found typically within a module of the template editor displaying the street address, country, and other contact information of that sender. To edit the details that populate in the module, visit Marketing Campaigns > Senders, and edit the sender’s details to reflect the data you wish to have displayed in the template. Once edited and saved, the new details should populate to the template.


How do I edit an Automation that is already live?

Once an Automation has been set live the first time it can no longer be edited. Any changes should be made before first setting the Automation live. Even if later paused, the Automation cannot be changed once it has been live at all. 

In order to edit an Automation after it has been set live, you must duplicate it and any workflow related to it and make any necessary changes before it is set live.


Why didn’t my single send include any contacts?

Depending on how recently you have edited the associated contacts list, the contacts were likely still updating in the background and so the campaign could not send to them. When making changes to a SendGrid contact list (adding or updating) senders should wait until they get the upload completion email from SendGrid before sending out their campaign. Further specifics on this topic can be found here: Single Send Campaign Did Not Send Out

Alternatively, if the contacts list is edited or deleted very quickly after sending a campaign, this can also cause issues sending and should be avoided until no campaigns are being sent to that list in a recent time frame

How do I remove unused contacts from my contact list?

It is common to have contacts that result in a group unsubscribe, block, bounce, invalid email address, or spam report. Attempting to send email to these contacts can negatively impact your reputation since these contacts do not want to (and will not) receive your marketing emails. Check out our help documentation on how to Delete unusable contacts.

How do I move contacts between lists?

Customers can move contacts between lists by uploading a list of their existing contacts to the UI and selecting a new list to populate the contacts into. Since contacts already exist in the account, your contact credits will not count against your account for the month.

Why is my contact count so high?/Why didn’t my contact count reset?

SendGrid works off of a cumulative monthly storage system - essentially if a contact has been stored on an account within a billing period (calendar month) it counts as one contact usage. Deleting contacts will not lower the usage because it is cumulative usage rather than current usage. To keep an eye on usage counts you can visit Settings > Account Details > Your Products > Marketing Campaigns, Usage.

The usage will reset on the first day of each month (Pacific Time), however, any contacts stored on the account at the start of the month will consume that amount of contact storage credits. The plan you are using defines the cumulative total you can store on the account per month, rather than raising the limit each month. 

This is especially important to note if you have a free tier account, as contact uploads are limited to 2000 a month, and further uploads will need to wait until the following month. Paid accounts can upload beyond their limit for overage costs detailed here: Marketing Campaigns Overage Costs

How do I update my contacts?

SendGrid’s contact storage will not accept duplicate contacts in your account provided the contact's identifier is already contained in the global All Contacts list. This means that contacts can be updated by uploading a new CSV and the new details included in the sheet under the correct columns. This will update any contacts already in the account  to what is in the new CSV without consuming new contact credits.

Sign up forms

How do I customize sign up forms?

While you can’t customize how Twilio Sign Up Forms look, you can customize what information is recorded to be associated with the contact being added. Customers can specify which reserve or custom fields they would want from their contacts when the contact signs up.


How do I get notifications for uploads?

To get notifications for contact uploads you can visit Marketing Campaigns > Notifications, and there you can add any email address where you’d like to receive notifications.


Why isn’t my segment populating?

Segment criteria can be stacked, however, this can also make it easy to create a segment with invalid or conflicting logic. It is best to start with a simple segment criteria, then add new criteria in order to be sure the logic of the segment is working correctly.

Why isn’t my segment updating?

It can take time for segments to refresh. Segments update in 15-60 minutes intervals depending on the type of segment created. Further details on automatic refreshes can be found here: Segment Refresh Cadence

After creating the segment paid marketing plans can manually refresh it twice per day. Refreshes will be reset at midnight in the timezone stored for the segment. A segment cannot be refreshed more than once within one hour, and the endpoint has a rate limit of 10 requests per day that is reset at 0:00 UTC. Manually refreshing a segment does not affect the segment's backoff. Further details on manually refreshing a segment can be found here: 

Custom Fields

How do I bulk update custom fields?

Customers can upgrade multiple custom fields on multiple contacts at the same time by uploading a CSV with the desired custom fields in the CSV. This is the same process detailed in the "How do I update my contacts" section above. 

Unsubscribe Links

Are they required?


Preferences link vs one-click link vs custom unsubscribe management?

Within a template you can add two default types of unsubscribe links - a global one-click unsubscribe or a group unsubscribe preferences link. To avoid email click bot interference, it may be prudent to include the email preferences page even if you only have one unsubscribe group in order to be sure that all unsubscribes are initiated by a human.

Customers can also use an external subscription management service or tool, and you can input a custom unsubscribe link in your templates. The only caveat with this option is that you may have to then manually manage your suppression groups in SendGrid to ensure you do not send to any unsubscribed or otherwise opted-out recipients. Failing to do this correctly can have a large negative impact on delivery reputation and mail send deliverability.  

How to add a custom unsubscribe link?

Customers can add a custom unsubscribe link into their Marketing Campaign Single Sends by selecting the "Use Custom Link" in the drop down selection under Unsubscribe Groups. This would insert the custom link into the Unsubscribe link in the Single Send. When using a custom unsubscribe link, this prevents Twilio SendGrid from managing and tracking emails that have unsubscribed from your emails, This would mean that you would need to manually manage your unsubscribes. Further details on how to use a custom unsubscribe link can be found here: Using a Custom Unsubscribe Link

Click Tracking

How do I turn off Click Tracking for MC?

Links in Marketing Campaign emails will have click tracking enabled by default even if the click cracking setting is disabled in your Settings -> Tracking page. Customers can disable click tracking on Marketing Campaign for specific links by editing HTML of the link itself. Check out our SendGrid Marketing Campaigns Click Tracking settings article for more details. 




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