SSL troubleshooting. How to deal with 'Wrong Link' error


When sending links through Twilio SendGrid without enabling SSL Click Tracking, customers may encounter a page with the error “Wrong link” with the following error message:

"You have clicked on an invalid link. Please make sure that you typed the link correctly. If are copying this link from a mail reader, please ensure that you have copied all the lines on the link" when clicking on links sent through their Twilio SendGrid emails.


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Twilio SendGrid (Email)



The "wrong link" error this is producing is typically indicative of the request never being directed back to SendGrid so that we can decode the link, which then throws the error. This is something that would need to be fixed on the CDN's side (within the CDN settings), since SendGrid only adds the 'S' to the links. Actual configuration is only hosted on the CDN.


You can also follow these steps to alleviate this scenario:

  1. Review proxy settings at the CDN level: Please make sure that your proxy pass settings are set to (without HTTPs) so your CDN will not need any additional SSL proxy engine enabled
  2. Disable click tracking while the configuration is reviewed: This will leave the original links in your email and no changes to your links will take place. The downside is that we will not be able to track your click event data.

    To disable this setting, go to "Settings > Tracking", then disable Click Tracking.

  3. Review the SSL documentation: Please ensure all steps in the SSL guide have been followed. If no issue is found with the steps provided in our documentation, please reach out to the support team for the CDN service for further assistance.
  4. Delete Link Branding, but leave on Click Tracking:

    You can delete a Link Branding entry within your Setting → Sender Authentication → Link Branding page by clicking the entry and clicking the delete button on the bottom of the page. This will allow our platform to still track the click events of your links while also wrapping your links in HTTPS. The default SendGrid click tracking links for domains not set up in Link Branding (e.g. are HTTPS encoded with a valid certificate. Turning off Link Branding can impact deliverability of your emails because recipient servers like to see the links in the emails they receive match the domain sending the emails.

Important Information

Please note that this guide provides only details gathered by some previous users, but the overall configuration is done on your end with your CDN. For more detailed information, we recommend reaching out directly to your CDN provider


Additional Information

Do you need any help with another error? Take a look at our SSL configuration docs:


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