Change the Owner for a Twilio SendGrid Account


Changes are bound to happen in any organization, so we've made it easy to pass your account's ownership to a new account owner. This allows our customer’s organization to make sure they have access to their Twilio SendGrid account, even if the current account owner leaves the organization, or moves to another project. This guide explains the process for transferring account ownership to a new account owner.




Current Account Owner Action Items: 

Changing the email on file to the new account owner’s email address

  1. Login to Twilio SendGrid UI as the current account holder.
  2. Navigate to Settings -> Click on Account Details
  3. Click the pencil icon next to Personal Info, and then change the account's email address to the new account owner’s email address. When finished, click Save.
  4. This confirmation email will be sent to the new email on file. Partner with the new account owner to complete/confirm the email change occurring on the account.
  5. Remove the current phone number configured within Two Factor Authentication

Navigate to Settings -> Click on Two-Factor Authentication 
Click the trash can icon to remove the current phone number configured.

New Account Owner Action Items:

  1. Obtain username and password from current account owner.
  2. Log in with username and password.
  3. If the password needs to be changed, reset the password by entering the username within our Password Reset Form
  4. Set up Two-Factor authentication with a phone number the new account owner has access to.
  5. Two-Factor Authentication verification email will be sent to email on file (this should already be changed to the new account owner).

If you have issues receiving the code to complete two factor authentication, please review Authy's troubleshooting articles here.

If the previous account holder is no longer with your organization and you do not have the username, please fill out this form for the username reset which will open a support ticket for further assistance from our Twilio SendGrid Support team. 

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