Dedicated IP Address Migration


The Twilio SendGrid Support team is able to assist customers that are looking to migrate an existing dedicated IP address from one account to another. Since warming up a dedicated IP is an important step when it comes to positive deliverability and reputation, customers that are migrating accounts may want to retain their already warmed up dedicated IP in their new account.

The Twilio SendGrid Support team can assist in moving a dedicated IP from one account to another, this includes Reseller Partner accounts with dedicated IPs looking to migrate. We will need an email confirming the IP migration from both admins (current and new account).



SendGrid Email API and Marketing Campaigns (including Reseller Partners).



Dedicated IPs cannot be assigned to two separate accounts at the same time. As such, we recommend our customers adjust their email sending on their account the IP address is migrating from prior to the migration. This is significant because as soon as the IP address is migrated from the account, mail send on that migrated IP will cease immediately. If this is the only IP address assigned to the account, all emails will no longer be processed. 



To assist with the IP migration, you will need to submit a ticket through Twilio SendGrid Support and provide the following information:

  1. Usernames of the account the IP is migrating from and the account the IP is migrating to
  2. Email addresses please ensure that the email addresses associated with both the original and the destination accounts are provided
  3. Permissions please provide written permission from the admin email of the original account from which the IP is being migrated. Additionally, written consent is also required from the admin email of the account to which the IP(s) will be migrated
  4. The dedicated IP address(es) that need to be migrated
  5. The preferred date and time for the IP address to be migrated

Additional information

How much downtime do I need to factor in (where we won’t be able to send email)?

We recommend pausing sending during the migration process. This is more like a number of hours to ensure that no mail is being sent on the IP (s) when it is migrated. So, there's no recommended time frame, such as days. We just want to make sure that you don't send anything significant through the old account and then the email suddenly get dropped.

How much time is needed for the migration of the IP address?

Migration of the IP generally only takes a few minutes if we have this planned ahead of time.

Are you able to migrate IPs between resellers and also between direct accounts?

We own all sending IPs (whether the account is a reseller or not). So IPs can be moved from direct to reseller, reseller to reseller, reseller to direct, and any other combo.

What if I'm moving from a Partner Reseller account?

Our Support team can assist with migrating dedicated IPs from partner reseller accounts to direct Twilio SendGrid account or between partner reseller accounts. If you are migrating from a partner reseller account to a direct Twilio SendGrid account, you can also reference our Migrating From a Partner Account document. 

What about my account set up?

The migration will not migrate the rDNS settings. Customers will need to validate their newly migrated dedicated IP within rDNS again on the account receiving the IP address and also assign it to their subusers (if any). 


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